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Live Well, Work Well   

August 18, 2022

smiling african american woman cutting up vegetables


Brought to you by: Custom Benefit Consultants, Inc.


Eat Well, Live Well

Replacing unhealthy eating habits with healthier ones can be difficult. One key to making lasting improvements in your diet is to make changes in stages. Start with a small, simple change and stick to it for a week. After mastering one change, add another, and continue to repeat as needed. 


Remember, slow and steady does win the race.


tortoise in front of a hare

Here Are Some Ideas to Get You Started:


  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Replace one sugary drink or soda per day with a glass of water.
  • Eat one to two more servings of fruits or vegetables each day.
  • Plan a daily healthy snack/meal.
  • Swap in a healthy low-fat version of one of your favorite foods.
  • Try to eat three small meals and two light snacks every day.
  • Eat as many home-cooked meals as possible. They usually have fewer calories, you control how they’re prepared and can cost less than typical meals eaten out.
  • Pay close attention to portion/serving sizes.


Set an Example

Parents play a significant role in guiding their children’s eating habits with the examples they set. Foods available in the home and mealtime experiences can help create healthy examples. Offer healthy snacks such as fruit, low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt, frozen juice bars, applesauce, celery, apples with peanut butter, raw vegetables, graham crackers, fig bars, or whole wheat crackers with low-fat cheese.


Pay attention to portion sizes. Consuming larger portions can add unanticipated calories. For example: a good-sized snack for a typical adult may be a single-serving container of yogurt, but for a preschooler, two or three tablespoons of yogurt is enough.


Make Eating Fun for the Whole Family

Family meals together can present an opportunity to monitor food eaten and reconnect with each other. Involve children in food preparation, clean up, and conversation. Sit together when eating. The idea is to build healthy lifelong eating habits together.


Some healthy eating tips include the following:


  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Replace one sugary drink or soda per day with a glass of water.
  • Eat one to two more servings of fruits or vegetables each day.
  • Plan a daily healthy snack/meal.
  • Swap in a healthy low-fat version of one of your favorite foods.
  • Try to eat three small meals and two light snacks every day.
  • Eat as many home-cooked meals as possible. They usually have fewer calories, you control how they’re prepared and can cost less than typical meals eaten out.
  • Pay close attention to portion/serving sizes.


a person eating a healthy salad at a restaurant

Healthy Food Tips When Eating Out:


  • Eat a healthy breakfast.
  • Replace one sugary drink or soda per day with a glass of water.
  • Eat one to two more servings of fruits or vegetables each day.
  • Plan a daily healthy snack/meal.
  • Swap in a healthy low-fat version of one of your favorite foods.
  • Try to eat three small meals and two light snacks every day.
  • Eat as many home-cooked meals as possible. They usually have fewer calories, you control how they’re prepared and can cost less than typical meals eaten out.
  • Pay close attention to portion/serving sizes.


This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. For further information, please consult a medical professional. © 2007-2009. 2012, 2014, 2017-2018 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


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eating habits, health, healthy, live well, eat well




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